If you do not enable survival mode in the Fallout 4 options menu, these options will not work: The Difficulty options alter the incoming and outgoing damage in Survival Mode.

They're intended to go together, but obviously not required to. They have no requirements for Horizon v1.9, so I'm making them available first for players to try out. Note that these are the first test versions of these addons. This does not include all textures, only those that Zaw deemed necessary.
#Boss load order fallout 4 install
In addition to installing Fo4 Horizon, it is recommended to install the following files which are in the "optional files" section on :
#Boss load order fallout 4 mod
The mod functions perfectly fine without the DLC's, but keep in mind it was created and balanced with an entire playthrough of all Fallout content in mind. The following options during Installation are mandatory:
#Boss load order fallout 4 mods
Besides, most mods require patching aynway. In order to perceive Horizon as it is intended, it is recommended to start without any other mods. 📝 Note: If loose files aren't enabled via INI edit, item tags will be visible in-game. Inject the following two values into the Fallout4Custom.ini to enable loose files: To allow mods to load their assets, like scripts, textures, loose files, ect. An incorrect Load Order can instantly destroy the Horizon experience. A Mod Manager like MO2 which does not overwrite the game folder is preferable.Horizon changes far too many things for an existing save to work. New game, using an existing save is not recommended.Horizon has its own Texture Pack which is far more optimized (details below). Exluding the High Resolution Texture Pack (DLC). Clean install of vanilla Fallout 4 with all your DLC installed.the real issue is trying to fix the DM players who have 1000 rounds :)

and what can't you do." otherwise the player reports become so skewed, because 1 person in default will say they have 2000 rounds of. I'm not going to balance around that my focus is on "what can you do with the supplies you get in DM. I really don't count default mode, because you can get ammo and shit so much easier. but I want the real balance focused around survival mode and DM.

I can always add in non-DM stuff to help casual players if it is too hard.

While 99% of my combat changes will effect default mode too, I want to balance the game around DM. Using other Mods that change gameplay stats may break or ruin the balance of this mod.